NoSQL injection is a type of web application security vulnerability that occurs when user-supplied input is not properly sanitized before being used in a NoSQL query. This can allow an attacker to inject malicious code into the query, potentially gaining access to sensitive data or compromising the integrity of the database.
Here are some examples of NoSQL injection:
username=admin'; db.users.remove({}); //
when used in a NoSQL query. For example, the attacker could enter the following as a username:username=admin' OR 1=1; //
username=admin' UNION SELECT * FROM users; //4 . An attacker could use NoSQL injection to add additional conditions to a query, potentially allowing them to access data that they would not normally have access to. For example, the attacker could enter a string that causes the NoSQL query to return only those records that match a certain condition:
username=admin' AND password='12345'; //
5. An attacker could also use NoSQL injection to modify data in the database. For example, the attacker could enter a string that causes the NoSQL query to update a user's password to a value of their choosing:username=admin'; db.users.update({}, {$set: {password: 'hacked'}}); //
6. In some cases, an attacker may use NoSQL injection to execute arbitrary code on the server. For example, the attacker could enter a string that causes the NoSQL query to execute a JavaScript function of their choosing:username=admin'; db.eval('function() { /* malicious code here */ }'); //
It is important to note that these are just a few examples of NoSQL injection, and that attackers can use many other techniques to exploit this vulnerability. To protect against NoSQL injection, it is important to sanitize user-supplied input and properly escape any special characters before using it in a NoSQL query.